How to take over Facebook and Hateb when redirecting from http to https!

Redirecting from http to https

Redirecting from http to https

Redirecting from http to https, If you redirect from http to https when SSL is always introduced, Facebook likes and Hatena bookmarks will return to zero as the URL changes. I will show you how to take over this.

Redirecting from http to https, Facebook

Redirecting from http to https, Although it is also posted on Facebook’s official website , change og: url to “http: // ~” and exclude https: // redirects from http: // only for Facebook crawlers. Set HTML og: url to http: // ~ <meta property = “og: url” content = “”> Edit .htaccess <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond% {HTTP_USER_AGENT}! (Facebot | facebookexternalhit / 1.1) [NC] RewriteCond% {HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^ (. * $) Https://$1 [R = 301, L] </ IfModule> The third line is a description that excludes Facebook crawlers, otherwise it is a method to redirect http: // ~ to https: // ~.

Redirecting from http to https, Confirmation method

Redirecting from http to https, Use Facebook Debuger to debug. As shown below, if the Input URL is “https” and the og: url is “http”, the setting is complete. If it does not change, click the “Scrape Again” button.

Redirecting from http to https, Hatena Bookmark

Redirecting from http to https, For Hatena bookmarks, from the button creation page, set the URL to save to the “http: //” address and set it on the site.