defer parsing of JavaScript w3 total cache

Reasons why you need to defer parsing of JavaScript and defer parsing of javascript w3 total cache

Defer parsing of JavaScript has been whitelisted as an official recommendation in Google’s Page Speed Insights.

Defer parsing of JavaScript w3 total cache save speed and bandwidth

Defer parsing means that the browser parses and executes the JavaScript files on the server side without delaying the loading of the page. This is good because that this plugin it saves a lot of bandwidth and speeds up the loading of the page. HTML, CSS, and images are downloaded first and then the JavaScript is downloaded and parsed after the page is rendered on the screen.

How Defer parsing of javascript w3 total cache plugin can help you?

Defer parsing of javascript w3 total cache can help you to reduce the time it takes for your website to load. If you are using a plugin like W3 Total Cache then you can defer parsing of JavaScript using the script-loader-tag plugin. With the increase in the number of websites using JavaScript and the increase in the number of web pages using JavaScript, many website owners use the w3 total cache plugin for caching the website for better performance. While using this plugin, many web developers face the problem of not being able to access their website after installing the plugin because the plugin is to be installed first and then the JavaScript is to be loaded.

Reasons to install Defer parsing of javascript w3 total cache

This blog will look into some of the reasons as to why the plugin should be installed first and then the JavaScript should be loaded. Most of us use a lot of JavaScript on a page and the code is parsed in a particular order. For a long while, the order in which the code was parsed was not important. However, that changed with the release of the HTML5 parser. Now we have to take care while coding our JavaScript so that we don’t run into any problem with respect to the order. In this blog, you will look at the new HTML5 parser and the problems it can cause as well as the best way to avoid that problem. There are a number of reasons why you should set your page defer parsing of javascript w3 total cache plugin. There are also some misconceptions about how it can be a problem when it’s not used correctly. This blog will look at reasons you might want to do so. The w3 total cache plugin has a feature to defer the parsing of JavaScript. This can be useful in certain circumstances but is not always needed. This blog will look at some of the circumstances in which you might want to use it and some of the circumstances when you might want to turn it off.  

Blog Conclusion:

The reason why you need to defer parsing of JavaScript and defer parsing of JavaScript w3 total cache is, that it will make your site load faster, we all know that speed is very important for your site and for Google. We recommend you to use Word Press Plugin called W3 total cache, and you can get more details about this plugin at