What is the correct definition of a CMS?

Definition of a CMS

Definition of a CMS

Objectives of this article:

Definition of a CMS, Define what a CMS is Know the market share of each CMS Are you unfamiliar with the term CMS? Looking to learn more about Wordpres’ market share ? You will quickly understand the power of WordPress around websites .

Definition of a CMS

Definition of a CMS, First of all, the term CMS is an English abbreviation for content management system or in good French system of content management (SGC). A CMS is therefore a software platform for designing and managing all kinds of things like websites and applications. Ile also allow the creation, management, modification, archiving and publication of content. Therefore, this system is very practical because it allows novices in information programming to be able to do whatever they want without any special knowledge and skills. Thus, the CMS has turned the digital age upside down because it has made the creation of digital content accessible to everyone, it is a real evolution.

Definition of a CMS, Ranking in terms of market share

Definition of a CMS, Then, here is the ranking in terms of CMS market share. These statistics are proposed by the latest ranking established by W3Techs . So you got it, WordPress is the boss. It is he who dominates everyone… and by far! WordPress has a 60.1% market share against: Joomla: 6.4% Drupal: 4.5% Magento: 2.4% Shopify: 1.9% Blogger: 1.8% Squarespace: 1.7% TYPO3: 1.5% Bitric: 1.5% PrestaShop: 1.3% Wix: 1% Thus, WordPress alone represents 29.6% of sites in the world. This user platform attracts more and more people every year. Definition of a CMS, Therefore, WordPress is used by very large recognized sites like Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The New York Times, Renault, Vinci, LVMH, Vivendi, GDF Suez, Dassault, BNP Paribas and Bouygues use WordPress.