How we can use LWS and its databases properly?

How to use LWS and its databases properly?

LWS and its databases, MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the language mostly used to add, access and manage the content of a database. Indeed, it stands out for its fast processing, proven reliability, ease of use and flexibility. MySQL is an essential part of almost all open source PHP applications . WordPress , Joomla, Magento, and Drupal are good examples of PHP and MySQL based scripts.

How to create LWS and its databases?

LWS and its databases can quickly create a database on your shared hosting. To do this, log into your customer area and click on “ Domain and hosting “. Click on the “ Admin / Administer ” button behind the Web plan for which you want to create your database. Go to the “ 5- MySQL / PHP / Backups management ” section and click on the “ MySQL and PHPMyAdmin “ button . Click on the button “ Click here to create a MySQL database ” to create this one. Information such as the IP attached to the database, the name of the database, the username and password will be sent to you by email during creation.

Creating LWS and its databases, the steps to follow

Once the LWS and its databases has been created, you can view it in the “ listing of your MySQL databases ” section at the bottom of the page. The table contains the following information: User : This is the user allowing you to connect to the database Base : The name of the database Server IP : The IP you will need to configure in the configuration file of your website Description : You can insert a description on your database Quota : The maximum quota allowed per database At the end of the table, you have an “ Action ” button . Indeed, this button allows you to perform the following actions: Backup / Restore : This allows you to back up your database by uploading it to your computer. You also have the possibility to restore your database by choosing a restore date. Change password : you can change the password attached to the base user. If you change the password, you must also change the password in the configuration file of your website. Delete : You can delete the database.

LWS and its databases How to export and import?

LWS and its databases has option of exporting or importing a MySQL database through the PHPMyAdmin interface . To do this, you can click on the access link to PHPMyAdmin located in the “ MySQL and PHPMyAdmin ” section of your site administration.

MySQL databases

A new page asking you to identify yourself will appear. Enter the database user name and the user’s password and click on “ Execute ”.

MySQL databases

1. How to export the database To export a database, click on the database concerned in order to have access to all the tables.

MySQL databases

Click on the “ Export ” button at the top of the page. MySQL databases Click on the “ Execute ” button .

MySQL databases

How to import a LWS and its MySQL databases

Once LWS and its databases is connected to your PHPMyAdmin interface, click on the database concerned by the import.

MySQL databases

Click on the “ Import ” button at the top of the page.

MySQL databases

Choose your .sql or .zip file and click on the “ Execute ” button at the bottom of the page in order to import the database.

MySQL databases

How to consolidate LWS and its databases?

LWS and its databases allows you to combine databases on the same web plan from the LWS Starter plan. To do this, once in the “ MySQL and PHPMyAdmin ” section, go to “ Creating a MySQL database “. You have two possibilities which are as follows: Keep default user : Allows you to keep the default user for the database. This is necessary if you want to install several WordPress sites through the auto install available in your customer area. Indeed, only the databases managed by the user by default will be visible on the auto install. Create a new user with the new database : Allows you to create a new user for the new database.

MySQL databases

LWS and its databases, to conclude

You are able to create LWS and its databases now and able to create a new database , but also to export and import data from your MySQL database on your shared hosting with LWS . As stated before, MySQL databases are essential for the operation of some websites such as WordPress or Prestashop?